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(dokdo academy summer school)
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5. Ⱓ Ͻ (2008. 7. 18 ~ 8. 1)
7. 18() 10:00~17:00
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7. 25() 10:00~17:00
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7.26() A.M 4~27()P.M 23 30
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8. 1() 14:00~16:00
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5.15() ~ 7.7() (100 )
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ȣ μ Ȱ ȹ Personal essay (A4 1~2 з)
9. հ ǥ
: campusidea@hanmail.net Ǵ FAX : 02-736-8415
հ ǥ: ȣ Ȩ (www.dokdonetwork.or.kr) θϷ 뺸
10. ȣ ̷ֱб ŽƷ Ͽ Takesima ǥ õ ϴ ùδüԴϴ. 80 ϰ ִ ü ī 1 4 400 Ǿϴ.
# English
Dokdo Defense Int'l Network
110-052 Seoul, Jongro-gu, Jeoksun-dong, 156 Gwangwhamun #604
Tel : 822-736-8419~20 Fax : 822-736-8415
E-mail : campusidea@hanmail.net www.dokdonetwork.or.kr
Dokdo Defense Int'l Network
Dokdo Academy Summer School Recruiting 5th Wave Cadets
1. Open to
100 International students and 2nd Generation Koreans
2. Mission
The objective of our training is to educate college students to increase public interest and concern about the truth and crises of Dokdo. The contents of training include territorial sovereignty theory and excursions to Dokdo.
3. Host / Dokdo Defense Int'l Network
4. Under joint funding of
5. Training Schedule (2008-July-18 ~ August-8)
Time & Date
7. 18(F) 10:00~17:00
Nat'l Congress Conference Room
Opening Ceremony
Territorial Sovereignty I
7. 25(F) 10:00~17:00
NIIED (National Institue for International Education Development)
Territorial Sovereignty II
Total 12 hours of Territorial Sovereignty education
7. 26(Sat)04:00 ~ 7.27(Sun) 23:30
Ullungdo and Dokdo Excursion
8. 1(F) 14:00~16:00
NIIED (National Institue for International Education Development)
Place (Nat'l Congress Conference Room / NIIED(National Institue for International Education Development) at Daehak-ro / Ullungdo & Dokdo)
6. Benefits
ALL fees are waived
*Fees waived include: Seoul Mukho, Ullungdo, Round trip to Dokdo(fare and insurance),
Excursion fees to historic sites/ meals and lodging.
Will award merit based prizes, medals and honors endowed by major Korean government
Will provide an opportunity to mingle with students from 30 Korean universities
7. Application Period
May. 15(Thursday) ~ July. 7(Monday) (Open to first 100applicants; first come, first served)
8. Application Essay
Freestyle essay (Cadet Activity Plan & Personal Statement) (A4 1~2 pages)
9. Application Submission and Finalist Announcement
submit your application to: campusidea@hanmail.net or FAX : 822-736-8415
Finalists Announced: www.dokdonetwork.or.kr News & Notice and through individual email.
10. The Dokdo Defense Int'l Network is a non profit non government organization founded in an international effort to correct the misnomer "Takesima." Currently, 80 Korean universities have joined our efforts. 400 cadets have graduated from our program through 4 waves of training so far.